Wednesday 18 November 2015

Teenager who used student loan to join Isis in Syria

A young person who spent his understudy advance and instructive gifts on heading out to join Islamic State has been kept for a long time in the wake of being indicted terrorism offenses.

Yahya Rashid, 19, conned his way into Middlesex University in London utilizing a fashioned BTec declaration, in spite of having an IQ of somewhere around 65 and 70.

He then utilized assets he asserted to take himself and four companions from his mosque to the Turkey/Syria outskirt through Morocco in February.

The gathering was ceased and addressed by police at Gatwick air terminal however permitted to get onto a flight to Casablanca, from where they advanced toward the Turkish bordertown of Gaziantep.

Rashid's trial at Woolwich crown court heard that, despite the fact that his companions crossed into Syria where they are accepted to remain – the then 18-year-old had a change of heart and retreated to Istanbul.

He came back to the UK after supplications from his family and was captured.

A week ago, Rashid was discovered blameworthy of participating in behavior in planning for submitting a demonstration of terrorism, and taking part in behavior with the goal of helping others to confer demonstrations of terrorism between November 2014 and March this year.

Sentencing him, judge Philip Katz QC said: "You lied on your vow before the jury and they saw through your untruths and your avoidances. You utilized manufactured archives to get a spot at college. You told the jury, with no clear disgrace, that you did that as a speedier approach to get a degree."

He included that Rashid's past instruction demonstrated to him to be misleading, and that he had fizzled citizenship tests.

Katz said that, while he acknowledged Rashid may have in the end given himself in light of what he was putting his family through, prior Facebook discussions with his dad had been "hard".

"However, goodness realizes what you would have gone ahead to do as a trooper of Isis. The Facebook announcement which your mom appeared to police proposes that you may have had affliction at the top of the priority list.

"I am not certain why you altered your opinion and returned. I am slanted to think it was to spare your own skin, yet it conceivably was a direct result of how you felt about what you were doing to your gang."

Rashid, whose family is initially from Somalia, paid £906 for five return flights to Morocco for himself and four others – Khalid Abdul-Rahman, Ibrahim Amouri, Swaleh Mohammed and Mohammed's wife, Deqo Osman – all with whom he went to Wembley mosque.

Before he cleared out the UK, Rashid's YouTube record had ticked "like" on around 300 recordings, a significant number of them Islamist-themed, in spite of the fact that it couldn't be demonstrated he had by and by ticke

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